Smiling Dog presents BONES of CONTENTION

10th Jan 2025 - 30th Jan 2025
11am - 4pm
Smiling Dog presents BONES of CONTENTION

Reflective Presentation / Exhibition Closing Event 

With guest speaker Maggie O'Neill, Editor of Polyphony, the IACAT, Irish Asscioation of Creative Art Therapists, Online Journal.

6-8pm Thursday 30th January

With in the installation, you will come across three similar, but differing motifs in different locations. These motifs originated from a dream of one of the exhibitors; a dream of three columns of standing earth from which vegetation sprung forth. The dream then became a print and in turn the blocks used for printing became a symbol to be placed by each exhibitor within the gallery and used as a starting point.

Each exhibitor, choosing differing colored ribbon/ thread, then began a journey in the gallery space, travelling on their own and then on occasions meeting and crossing their fellow travelers. The meeting points, changes in directions, become possible questions and reactions along the journey, and on the theme of the relationship between the artist and art therapist. At these points you will find questions, statements and wonderings from one or more of the exhibitors which they have written. These thoughts/ questions are individual and have not been agreed on. But who do they belong to?

This exhibition is being used as a way of interactive experiential research, to reflect on possible changes and attitudes, both for the exhibitors and the wider audience interested in such matters of Arts in Health and Art Therapy, and of the relationship between the artist and art therapist.

Smiling Dog


How do artists and arts therapists sit in contemporary arts + health practice?

Smiling Dog are an arts and health collective exploring how art and art therapy coexist, and what each does in companionship and/or contention in participatory and healthcare contexts.

Text On Arts + Health website / Click link to read more -



Previous Projects


A QUICKENING, Brett /McHarg, multi-media installation, Wandsford Quay Gallery, Cork, 2010


Free-to-view booklet, with introduction by Ed Kuczaj


WORKING ON THE EDGE, Brett/ Kuczaj / McHarg, Published paper, 2011

Exploring the role of an artist compared to an art therapist, in arts and health contexts – similarities, differences and requirements


SHADOW TRADERS, Brett /McHarg, exhibition, Triskel Christchurch Arts Centre, Cork, 2014


Free-to-view booklet, with essay by Maria Tanner


TORPEDO, Brett /McHarg, multi-media installation with live performance, Camden Fort Meagher, Cork Harbour, 2017


Free-to-view booklet, with essay by Blaithin Quinn, commissioned by Create, the national development agency for collaborative arts


REVERIE + NEMETON, Brett/McHarg, gift response participatry installation,

MTU, CCAD art/arts therapy event and a separate object intervention, St Mary’s Church Youghal, Co Cork, 2012


Free-to-view booklet, with essay by Katherine Atkinson


11am - 4pm