art(ist)FILM 2024
celebrating artist moving image
A unique film festival programme strand dedicated to showcasing student and recent graduate artist moving image works in a theatre setting, developed and presented by MTU Crawford College of Art & Design, MTU Arts Office, and IndieCork Film Festival, and supported by MTU Teaching & Learning Unit.
PROGRAMME 1: Monday 7th, 13:00 - 14:00
PROGRAMME 2: Tuesday 8th 13.00 - 14.00.
VENUE: Rory Gallagher Theatre, MTU Bishopstown Campus, Cork.
art(ist)FILM: Programme One
Monday 1-2pm Rory Gallagher Theatre | 58min
Lisa O’Sullivan Re-enchanting the Deadzone (3.16min)
Nadia Tai Hello Mommy (2min)
Fionn Timmons Untitled (5min)
Cathryn O Sullivan Threading the Veils (2min)
Catherine Casey Flooding (2.35min)
Holly Birmingham Wraith (2min)
Joshua Ababon Living the Dream (3.45min)
Mary O’Leary Pact (3.33min)
Brian Walsh Pear Ripe for the Picking (1.45min)
Paulina Firek Holy Deviants (1.10min)
Trevor Boyle Letter from Hades II (30sec)
Rebecca Bradley Young The Moon in a Puddle (2.11min)
Venus Patel Daisy Prophet of the Apocalypse (20min)
Adam O’Lomasney Acquiesce (10.23min)
art(ist)FILM: Programme Two
Tuesday 1-2pm Rory Gallagher Theatre | 63min
Stephen Fogarty Orbit (3min)
Julie Weber Fensive (17min)
Joshua Ababon Living the Dream (1.45min)
Sean Leahy An Unnerving Realisation (5.44min)
Ashley Parsons The Perils of Locution (9.45min)
Mary O’Leary Hounds of Beauty (4min)
Trevor Boyle Letter from Hades II (30sec)
Barry Walsh Inner Demons: Labyrinth of the Soul (3.34min)
Caoimhe Murphy Fuck It! (6.37min)
Rachael Sharkey Jimmie Jennie (10.43min)
Presented by MTU Crawford College of Art & Design, MTU Arts Office, and IndieCork Film Festival, supported by MTU Teaching & Learning Unit.
MTU is arts rich technological university. For further details on this project, and arts and culture events across MTU, see