In Flow : Exploring Art & Wellness

6th Feb 2024 - 23rd Feb 2024
11am - 4pm
In Flow : Exploring Art & Wellness

In Flow:

Exploring Art and Wellness

MTU Gallery at 46 Grand Parade

Exhibition - 6-23 February / Open 11am-4pm | Mon - Fri

Mindful Drawing Workshops - 6-9 February Tues-Fri  12.30-2pm 

All welcome, with no art experience required.



6-23 February / Open 11am-4pm | Mon - Fri

In Autumn 2022, Pratt Institute, New York, invited applications from artists and cultural leaders for their Intentional Leadership Programme 2023/24. The project explored the role of contemplative practices, mindfulness, and self-care as a creative leadership tool, through a series of online workshops during 2023.

Participants integrated these ideas into their professional and personal lives. This exhibition presents work in progress, exploring the potential role of creative practice in self-care and wellbeing through personal engagement, positive pedagogy and research, including:

  • A series of live workshops offering opportunities to experience drawing as a mindfulness practice.

  • Aspects of the arts which support wellbeing, explored through a resource in development for planning arts-based workshops.

  • A students’ response to a slow looking workshop in a gallery setting.

  • Early outputs researching wellbeing in education through creative approaches, including an adaptable self-care toolkit. 

Mindful Drawing Workshops

6-9 February Tues-Fri  12.30-2pm

All welcome. No art experience necessary. These lunchtime workshops invite you take time out of the busyness of your week to sit, relax and doodle.

Come for 10 mins or stay as long as you like.

For more about Lucy Hyland's meditative and mindful workshops see -


11am - 4pm